Latebar’s preferred new albums in 2020
What a horrible year! What a horrible time for music, musicians and artists in general. So many events cancelled and so many albums delayed and their launches impeded. Luckily, most found a way through, and at Latebar we have been listening carefully all through the year and found a few publications worth promoting. So buckle up, Dorothy!
These Little Things by Kershaw
It as been almost eight years since the pop virtuoso, Nik Kershaw, has released a new studio album. As a fun little curiosity that album was ... Eight! Now he is back. Kershaw will be releasing his ninth round piece of musical magic this autumn, and judged by the EP precursor 'These Little Things', the brit has something really interesting in store for us.
Rare Nik Kershaw songs pop up
Being a dedicated fan of a band or artist often means you are on a ceaseless hunt to collect everything ever published by your idol. I like to consider myself above and beyond such groupie-like nonsense. But... The other day something made me - a seasoned man - scream out like a hormonally imbalanced teenage girl.
Ei8ht – Kershaw to infinity and beyond
Since August 6, 2012, we have been listening carefully to the new studio album 'Ei8ht' by British virtuoso, Nik Kershaw. Stunned by the brightness of this arguably most well-written harmonic Kershaw-album to this date, we simply didn't know what to write... Until now!
Nik Kershaw best with ‘no frills’
The first fully accoustic album by one of Britain's best songwriters, Nik Kershaw, is perhaps the best he ever published. It shows the artist as he really is - no filter, 'no frills'.