Side Effects of the Danish summer 2014
The summer in in Scandinavia is running out. But looking back at what was probably the most warm and sunny summer in the past couple of decades one thing sticks out. The collaboration between two of Denmark's most prominent young contemporary singer-songwriters and the EP that followed their joint-venture.
Carpark North – Flying Phoenix of DK
Even though the bandmembers of the Danish electro-rock trio Carpark North, Lau Hojen, Soren Balsner and Morten Thorhauge are only in their early thirties, they're slowly turning into well-established veterans on the stage. Currently the band is touring Denmark with their new album 'Phoenix' – and as usual the band conducts their gigs as if it were their last.
Carpark North – Lost the next album
After massive touring the Danish electro-rock pop-power-trio Carpark North is ready to take over the world. 'Lost' is going to be the title of the band's 4th album - their long expected international debut.